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Activities and Positive Parenting Sessions

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Our programme of positive parenting sessions are tailor-made to the individual parent according to their needs and will include a range of activities to help support their learning.  In addition to any other issues identified in the placement agreement, this will cover the following areas:

  • Parenting Skills: the physical and emotional developmental care of the child(ren).
  • Health: providing information so that parents can make informed decisions about their own health needs and those of their child.  Sessions are delivered by Majestic’s qualified Nurse.
  • Personal Development: the parent’s ability to balance their own interests, leisure activities, education, employment etc., with the needs of their child(ren).  It will also explore issues such as how the parent manages anger.
  • Relationship Analysis: to look at extended family, friends, partners and how they influence the way the parent looks after their child(ren) and how the parent(s) can create a safe and secure environment for their child(ren).
  • Day to day living skills: focuses on the importance of the home environment i.e. the need for a clean, safe living environment, providing a balanced nutritional diet for parents themselves and their child, child focused day to day routines and coping strategies for dealing with day to day difficulties.
  • Budgeting: to consider financial situations and ensuring that parents are able to manage their money so that their child(ren)’s needs are provided for.
  • Child Protection: exploring types of abuse, behaviours associated with abuse and experience of abuse and how to minimise risk.
  • Play: to help support parents in learning how to play and interact with their child and understand the importance of play to a child’s development. We facilitate in house weekly sensory groups to try to further the parent’s skills in playing with their child, and educate them about the importance of providing stimulating sensory experiences for their child.
  • Baby Massage, Baby Sensory and Baby Sing and Sign: we provide weekly in-house baby massage, sensory and Sing and Sign sessions to promote bonding between the parent and child, including benefits to the child such as improving weight gain, aiding digestion, and supporting physical and cognitive development.
  • Activities in the community: we’re fortunate to have an abundance of centres locally which offer a range of parent/child groups, we’ll let parents know about these groups on their arrival and work with them to find the groups which they feel are going to be best suited to them and their child. We encourage the parent to attend regular groups throughout their placement, in addition to undertaking child focused activities in the community such as visiting the beach, soft play centres, swimming and parks.
  • Psychological and/or Psychiatric Intervention/Assessment which will be agreed at the initial placement meeting.

We have a regular sexual health clinic operating from our Centres, in addition to a Nutritionist who undertakes training courses with parents to support their knowledge and insight around healthy eating.

As well as our in-house groups, we also encourage parents to attend certain locally run courses and sessions, primarily at Children’s Centres.

Many of the parents stating with us undertake Pediatric First Aid courses offered at our local Children Centres.  Children are cared for by staff whilst their parents undertake any sessions which aren’t suitable for the child to be present for.

We aim to build upon family’s strengths, to provide safe parenting and improve life skills which can provide the foundation for life-long learning.

Assessments are conducted extremely well. The balance between assessment, support and guidance is thoughtful and reflective. Assessments change to consider the current parenting issues and parents progress quickly and responsively. One parent said in feedback to the centre: ‘Everyone works as a team. I could not ask for more support from them. They have made me more confident.


Ofsted 'Outstanding' rated assessments

Assessments are conducted extremely well. The balance between assessment, support and guidance is thoughtful and reflective. Assessments change to consider the current parenting issues and parents progress quickly and responsively. One parent said in feedback to the centre: ‘Everyone works as a team. I could not ask for more support from them. They have made me more confident.


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